St Edmund, Original Patron Saint of England
It is commonly accepted that St George is the Patron Saint of England. We celebrate St George’s Day on April 23rd when the red cross of St George flies proudly from the flag pole. But should we instead be raising the White Dragon flag [see comment below this article] on November 20th? It is surprising…
Earliest Marian Apparition Dates to the Year 40
Our Lady of Guadalupe dates to 1531. Our Lady of Lourdes dates to 1858. Our Lady of Fátima dates to 1917. The most popular Marian apparitions all occurred in the last few centuries, which, in the greater perspective of Church history, is fairly recent. But there was a whole other millennium and a half of…
Prayer for the Conversion of England
Daily Prayer for Conversion of England “Jesus, convert England; Jesus, have mercy on this country.” (Dying prayer of Blessed Henry Heath OSF) Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,…
Great Britain’s Martyrs – Part II – Margaret Clitherow
Can you believe that England used to be known as ‘the Land of Saints’? This is the second article in the series of Great Britain’s Martyrs. See part I here. Today we take a look at Margaret Clitherow’s life and martyrdom. She has been canonized as one of the 40 English martyrs the Catholic Church…
Great Britain’s Martyrs – Part I – The Carthusian Monks
There is a dark part of Britain’s history that we were not taught much about. Why? Because we are still under the successive reign of those who launched the significant change in Britain’s history and are still in charge of education and the writing of history. Until 1533, England was an entirely Catholic country. But…