The Light
‘Free World’ Nations Become Tyrannies – The Light, Issue 14
Life inside Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland and much of Europe has become a DYSTOPIAN nightmare. IF it were Russia, China or North Korea, there would be talk of sanctions from the UK government over the unlawful behaviour of police and governments in many Commonwealth and European countries. Many residents cannot socialise, meet up or…
The Light Issue 12
The Light is a print newspaper that brings light into these darkish days by reporting truthfully about covid and other concerns. A refreshing voice and a rare alternative to the corrupt mainstream media. Issue 12, August 2021 contains these subjects : MPs vote for forced vaccines Claims that viruses are pathogens are false Journalists finally…
The Light Issue 11 – Article About the White Rose UK Included!
The Light is a print newspaper that brings light into these darkish days by reporting truthfully about covid and other concerns. A refreshing voice and a rare alternative to the corrupt mainstream media. This issue also contains an article about the White Rose UK. Issue 11, July 2021 contains these subjects : Climate crisis’ faulty…
The Irish Light – Issue 1
The Light is a print newspaper that brings some light into these darkish days, by reporting truthfully about covid and other concerns. A refreshing voice, and a rare but important alternative to the corrupt mainstream media. For the first time the Light has now an Irish issue. The extra Irish pages of our successful truthpaper,…
The Light – Issue 10
The Light is a print newspaper that brings light into these darkish days by reporting truthfully about covid and other concerns. A refreshing voice and a rare alternative to the corrupt mainstream media. Issue 10, June 2021 contains these subjects : The Nurse Who Does Ask Questions How Money Is Created Scientists Find Pollutants In…
The Light Paper – Issue 9
The Light is a print newspaper that brings light into these darkish days by reporting truthfully about covid and other concerns. A refreshing voice and a rare alternative to the corrupt mainstream media. Issue 9, May 2021 contains these subjects : Vaccines cause mass nhs worker sickness 10 steps to mass mind control Who the…