Suppport our work by purchasing any of the following books. Many thanks! If you would like to donate, please click here.
The Big Bad Wolf and the Syringe
When Henflu breaks out in Henton, Sly Fox and Big Bad Wolf come to the rescue… but can the hens of Henton trust the wolf’s ‘miracle cure’?
Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil
Who would have thought at the beginning of 2020 that ‘three weeks to flatten the curve’ would become more than two years—destroying both the economy and people’s health?
A group of billionaires, in cooperation with their globalist puppets and the mainstream media, planned just that. Masked as ‘covid rules’ they imposed restrictions on our freedom, introduced mandated vaccinations, and increased digital control. Now they are using ‘climate change’ and ‘net zero’ to continue their Machiavellian agenda.
The White Rose – Defending Freedom
With increasing control measures being forced on people, not only in the UK but all around the world, the newly formed White Rose group found it necessary to speak out, end compliance to senseless and harmful rules, and to inform others about the danger of losing our God-given freedoms – a danger that is becoming more obvious by the day.
What started off as an inspiration in one person and was backed by a few, is now supported by thousands across the UK and overseas.
The Freedom Book (several authors)
Over 50 poems, short stories and essays from 36 authors of various backgrounds.
The texts in Freedom! encourage you to stand up, believe in life, defend your rights and your children’s and grandchildren’s future.