Cloud Seeding
Don’t Question The Clouds
I Spy With My Little Eye: Chemtrails Everywhere RAF ‘Rainmakers’ Caused 1952 Flood The Rain Is Deliberate! Government Schemes Hell-bent on Destroying UK Farming Are You Ready? Get Published In ‘The Green Cheat’ Weather Modification Something Is Intentionally Dropped On Us From Above The Truth About Chemtrails From Pilots Met Office Admits Spraying Skies The…
Cloud Seeding Is Happening (Not a Conspiracy Theory)
Cloud seeding causes floods in Dubai CONSPIRACY theorists proven right… again! (Redacted News/YT): Hydro Tasmania asked to explain cloud seeding in catchment day before flooding Tasmania’s government-owned energy company has been asked to explain why it conducted cloud seeding over the Derwent River catchment the day before flooding began this week. The catchment flooded on…
No Consent Letter Against Chemtrail Activity
The following template letter has been provided to us by a reader. You can also download the letter here: Demand for Ceasing Chemtrail . You can view an update on the response to this letter here. Dear [Name], I am writing to you in response to the persistent and ongoing Geo-engineering that continues to take…