Monkeypox Mythology
Monkeypox – who could have seen it coming? Our Virus Mania team has been warning about false pandemics for decades. However, I didn’t think they’d try something this extreme. Is monkeypox actually something you need to worry about or are they repackaging existing diseases through another fraudulent PCR? (Dr Sam Bailey/Odysee) See also: NTI Paper…
Dr Mike Yeadon: ‘There’s Something Awful Happening’
This is the transcript of Dr Mike Yeadon’s recorded talk. You can listen to the video here.Download this text and share: Dr Yeadon on Immunity, Vaccines, Vaccine Passports and Depopulation This system is being put in place using lies, and it’s been put in place using lies for some purpose, and I believe that purpose…
Patrick King took on the Covid Hoax Government in Alberta, and Won
Patrick King, a Canadian father and protester was taken to court in Alberta, Canada with a 1,200 Dollar fine for breaking covid restrictions. As part of his defence he asked for proof that the covid virus actually exists. The prosecution and medical authorities could not supply physical proof that the virus exists. It has never…
Did Prince Philip Really Say This?
“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” (Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988 to Deutsche Presse-Agentur) Which leaves us with some questions… Was Prince Philip part of the depopulation agenda? Did he belong to an elite that wants to eliminate a…