Why Are Kids Dropping Like Flies?

During an Advisory Committee Meeting Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment presented 30 slides that contain important questions on the safety of giving the covid ‘vaccine’ to children.

Steve Kirsch writes:

On October 26, I was invited by the FDA to give a 3-minute slide presentation during the Open Public Hearing session at the meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) which is the outside committee of the FDA that reviews vaccine safety and efficacy.

Today’s meeting is focused on whether or not to extend the EUA of the Pfizer vaccines for children aged 5 to 11.

Since I was only given 3 minutes of talk time, I prepared just 30 slides at the meeting. All the slides were questions that I believed needed to be fully answered before any vote to authorize vaccination for 5 to 11 year olds. After all, once you’ve been vaccinated, you can never be unvaccinated.

Since I had prepared over 100 questions for the committee, I thought it would be useful for both the VRBPAC committee, as well as the public, to post my slides publicly.

(source: https://trialsitenews.com/for-the-public-record-critical-questions-fda-must-address-about-vaccine-safety/)

Here are some of the questions from the slide show ‘Questions you need to answer before approving the covid vaccines for any age group’:

  • Hypothetical benefit: save 14 kids from covid death. Projected cost: kill 1,400 kids and injure many more. Why risk it?
  • Why are kids dropping like flies right after getting vaccinated?
  • How can a healthy 16-year-old boy die in the middle of his zoom math class?
  • Why did this 15-year-old die in his sleep?
  • If the vaccines are so safe, how come Taiwan officially admits that the vaccines kill more people than the virus?
  • How come deaths in Israel go up when vaccinations go up? And go down when vaccinations go down?
  • Why are there no autopsies for deaths after vaccination?
  • Why didn’t the highly unusual cause of deaths in these kids raise any red flags in the CDC 12-17 safety study?
  • How many months do troponin levels stay elevated for after vaccination?
  • Why won’t anyone publicly debate our team of experts on vaccine safety?


You can view all the slides here: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Comity – Slide-Show-26/10/2021