Amazon – Turning the Clock Back 300 Years?

By Harry Hopkins

Amazon must surely rank as one of the most detestable employers of modern times. If you read any of their recruitment ads you might think they were a decent company, but their ethos is based on fear, cruelty and a complete lack of humanity with regard to their employees.

Strange as it may seem this attitude is not just limited to manual workers. It is prevalent in senior management roles as well. In order to survive in Amazon you must have a personality trait that is north of macho, which explains why there are no women in the highest positions. This is a male orientated organisation and you can come to your own conclusions as to why this is the case.

Kristi Coulter spent 12 years in various positions at the company’s headquarters in Seattle. She has written a book entitled ‘Exit Interview’ in which she details her experiences. She sums up her time there by saying, ‘Working in Amazon offices was like slowly killing yourself.’

The Amazon work experience has long been criticised by the British mainstream media. In a 2013 BBC investigation, Professor Michael Marmot found conditions that people were subjected to in a UK Amazon warehouse could cause ‘mental and physical illness’.

A typical Amazon warehouse, huge in size, looks from the outside like a modern day prison block. Inside there is no daylight, so people are subjected to artificial illumination. A worker can walk up to 17 miles in a shift and toilet facilities are often a distance away, necessitating added minutes to breaks which are strictly time controlled. The workers are connected to ‘tech’ which is used to monitor and control their working activities. The company is under scrutiny for the types of artificial intelligence (AI) it imposes on people, although as yet they seem to be able to do what they like in this regard. Is it any wonder that the average length of time spent with this company is eight months?

In the USA, Amazon workplaces have an accident/injury record which is twice as high as their competitors and in one case five times higher.

Amazon currently employs in the region of 1,600,000 employees across the world. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is the richest man on the planet and he claims to offer his employees good, well-paid and safe jobs in a healthy environment. Words are cheap and so often uttered by charlatans. The evidence is stark that Amazon employs practices that are a disgraceful affront to human dignity.

Three hundred years ago the industrial revolution was born in Britain. It took root first in Northern England and enriched many entrepreneurs. Iron, steel, textiles, pottery where just some of the products that went from being handmade to being massed produced, thus creating huge markets. Britain was the world leader in this period and it made her rich. There were some very enlightened employers, well ahead of their time, who saw industrialisation as an opportunity to advance society as a whole with the potential to lift humanity to a higher plane. These employers were driven by philanthropy and a desire to see a better world for all. Joseph Rowntree, the Lever brothers and Titus Salt were among their number and they created working conditions which even today would be considered excellent.

Sadly, most employers were not of the philanthropic kind, but were driven by the desire to make more profit and keep it for themselves. They bought and developed huge estates and properties on the backs of wage slavery. They created factories that were known as ‘satanic mills’ for obvious reasons. There is much history to be read that documents the diabolical conditions in which human beings were required to work and indeed to live in order to be near their place of employment.

* Horrible living conditions:

In the 1830’s Dr William Henry Duncan, a government health official in Liverpool, found that a third of the city’s population were living with as many as 16 people in a single room and sharing a single privy. Overflowing cesspits and a lack of clean water resulted in horrible diseases such as cholera.

* Poor nutrition:

Most factory workers ate badly. Diets consisted of tea or coffee, bread, boiled potatoes, perhaps some fatty bacon and oatmeal and never enough. Stomach and bowel problems were the order of the day and with medical help non existent feeling ill was ‘normal’.

* A stressful lifestyle:

Work in a factory was hard, unrelenting, boring, tedious, dangerous and offered no opportunity for a break as the shutting down of a machine was not allowed. More supervision and no pride in the work guaranteed a depressive mind set. What leisure time they did find resulted in time spent in the local tavern, where the consumption of alcohol provided some form of escape.

* Dangerous workplaces:

With no safety regulations in place, machines were horrifyingly dangerous. Fingers, hands, arms and even legs could be lost by a careless act. Death itself was not a rare occurrence.

* Child Labour:
Perhaps one of the most despicable aspects of industrial production with orphans and poor youths being plucked from the streets, paid hardly anything and being compelled to do dangerous adult jobs.

* Discrimination against women:

Women were paid half as much as men on the basis that they were weaker and couldn’t do as much work. That and the fact that they were seen not as main breadwinners. The term ‘pin money’ was coined in the mill towns.

 300 years on and with all the advances that man has made in that time, it seems to me that in some instances, and Amazon in particular, the wheel has turned full circle. I don’t think there will be many Amazon employees living 16 to a room, nor indeed will that company get away with hiring child labour, but by paying minimum wages and exploiting their employees as much as they can, I’m sure they have much in common with the worst of the mill owners of centuries ago.

The next time you click your mouse to order your cut-price goods at the expense of your local shop which is going to close in the near future for lack of support, you might like to think that every time you do you are supporting the worst kind of exploitation. By driving down wages and reducing our standard of living the globalists are encouraging more people to shop from their armchairs. If this isn’t all part of the Great Reset I’ll eat my hat. This restructuring aims to take us back to the 18th Century where the rich and privileged few control and own everything.

You can help stop this march towards a totally controlled future by simply refusing to engage with Amazon. I did years ago.

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