Concentration Camps For ‘High Risk Individuals’

On Friday, Govenoer Bill Lee signed an Executive Order. For some Americans this is of great concern as the order includes the following vague statements, among others:

  • “Discretion to utilize National Guard and State Guard members in connection with certain health care and emergency services operations.”
  • “Telephone assessments for involuntary commitment cases are permitted.”
  • “Temporary quarantine and isolation facilities may be constructed.”


You can view the full document here:

Also, this article on the CDC website shows how they are planning to implement ‘green zone shelters’: Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings

People will be taken away from their family and will be kept in these isolation camps for at least six months.

The document mentions the premise is based on a UK model:

A reader wrote to the White Rose UK: This calls for the spiritual nuclear option: Prayer, fasting and public Eucharistic and Rosary processions, led by bishops and the clergy.

After being very disappointed by the reactions of the official churches during the covid crisis, we would like to know if there are any priests or bishops who are on our side and defend freedom.

Please let us know: contact

If you need rosary beads to pray with, you can get a handcrafted wooden rosary here.