Covid Pass Exemption

This is how you can find out about covid pass exemptions. It is of course unlawful to ask anyone to prove their status of health and medication, but in some cases, declaring exemption might be helpful. The NHS states on their website for businesses that

There will also be a small number of exemptions for individuals who have a medical reason which means they cannot vaccinate or test. These individuals will need to self-declare their medical exemption directly with you.’

Your customers may declare a medical exemption directly with you. You and your staff should not ask for evidence of the exemption.’

‘Please note any form of visual cue that indicates an exemption should be respected. This can include a handmade version. It is not mandatory for an individual to wear a visual cue to outline they are exempt. You should not ask these individuals to demonstrate their covid-19 status through the NHS App.’

If your customer confirms that they have a self declared exemption, but is unable to show any evidence, you should allow them access to your venue or event. You must not ask for proof of their medical exemption and it is not essential they show any form of exemption card at any point.’

There is no mention of people voluntarily deciding against vaccination – although they have every right and reason to do so. But this is not surprising when you look at all the vaccination propaganda and know the intentions behind it.