I’ve worked as a customer service agent for the last few years, the last year on UC helpline. The inhumane processes I saw while I was there were nothing short of despicable. In this series of videos, I’m going to reveal the truth behind the processes and what we can do to move forward. I hope this video helps and please keep a look out for pt.2. Alan. (Alan McClemont/YT)
- Socialist Universal Basic Income Trialled In the UK
- Social Credit Nightmare on Your Street
- UK Parliament to Debate Universal Basic Income
- They Are Coming for Your Car – An Insurance Insider Speaks Out
- Will We Soon Have a Chinese Social Credit System?
- WEF: ‘Billions Who Obeyed Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Will Also Comply With Social Credit Scheme’
Do you feel overwhelmed by all the evil of today?
Do you want to help save the world, and especially souls, from corruption?
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Rom 12:21)
With Christ, all things are possible. Take part in Adoration.
How to Avoid Digital Slavery is filled with exciting fiction and valuable advice and will help you take back control and live a healthy life in freedom.
Book details: Hardcover; 300 pages; Size: 21.59 cm x 13.97
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