More Vaccine Injury Testimonies

Woman suffers neurological disease after covid injection:

Find a collection of vaccine injury stories on this US website, C19 Vax Reactions. The website cites:

Our negative reactions need positive actions. We are a large and ever-growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as AstraZeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States).
We are pro-vaccine, pro-science and were excited for the opportunity to be vaccinated and to do our part in helping to end the pandemic.
We are completely independent of any other organization.

Written vaccine injury stories:
Videos of vaccine injury stories:
You can also submit your own story:

Here is the full Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates, led by Sen. Ron Johnson. Roundtable discussion with vaccine injured and medical experts on federal vaccine mandates and the importance of health care freedom – starts at 30 minutes:

In a Highwire exclusive, Deborah Conrad, a hospitalist physician’s assistant on the frontlines of the pandemic, pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country’s only mechanism to track the safety of these rushed-to-market, mandated products. In riveting detail, including emails & recorded phone conversations, Conrad exposes the internal push to turn a blind eye to injuries and “tow the company line” that this vaccine is safe:

Charlotte, NC nurse destroys vaccine narrative in speech to thousands (Anon Truther/Brighteon):

Covid Vaccine Exposed: healthy young girl fighting from hospital bed due to medical tyranny: