‘Really Chilling’: Five Countries to Test European Vaccination Card
Five European Union (EU) countries in September will pilot the newly developed European Vaccination Card (EVC), which “aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location. The pilot program marks a step toward the continent-wide rollout of the card, according to Vaccines Today. Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal…
This Is a Globalist Plan to Destroy the UK – George Soros Behind It
If you want to know what’s about to happen in the United States just look at the UK A globalist agenda is driving the U.K. into total chaos with armed migrant gangs attacking British citizens. Jim Ferguson is a former Parliamentary candidate and journalist. He is also the founder of Freedom Train International. Jim joined…
The Party System Is Completely Corrupted – Andrew Bridgen
Andrew Bridgen’s speech from 28th June “When the people are scared of politicians that is tyranny, but when the politicians are scared of the people that is democracy” (TogetherDeclaration/Rumble) The Battle for North West Leicestershire – Aftermath: It’s been a busy few days. An update, a week on. We lost a battle. The war goes…
Jailed for Praying In front of Abortion Clinic
When you start putting people in jail for praying, it’s pretty clear who you’re actually working for. Paul Vaughn is facing 11 years in Biden’s prisons. (Tucker Carlson/YT) Prayer is power Elites Are Committing a ‘Genocide’ by Promoting Abortion and Euthanasia – Cardinal Müller Army Veteran Fined for Silent Prayer: Penalty for ‘Praying for My…
New Zealand Whistleblower Raided by Police
Journalist Liz Gunn releases an official statement advising the NZ Ministry of Health Whistleblower and person working with him have both been raided by police. Liz Gunn reports police are still surrounding the Whistleblowers’ home after several hours following the raid. Gunn calls for the New Zealand government to call off this tyrannical response and…
Controlling People’s Money Would Be the Ultimate Form of Tyranny
Farage gives update on banking scandal: I’m back after a short break. PEP status is a scandal and it needs to be dealt with. (Nigel Farage/YT) Nigel Farage warns about ‘tyranny’ of cashless society after getting debanked Mr. Brexit Nigel Farage is crying foul after a British banking group that held his money for over…
Andrew Bridgen Exposes ‘WHO Treaty’ In EU Parliament
Andrew Bridgen speech begins at 0:55. See also: Covid Is Genocide – A Biological Warfare Crime – Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament Andrew Bridgen MP – The Political Fight for Justice The WHO Is Staging A Global Power Grab and No One’s Doing Anything! Andrew Bridgen MP: ‘They All Know It’s A…
Is the WHO the Terrorist Wing of the UN?
By Dr Vernon Coleman Transcript: It is 13th June and this is video no 327. You will no doubt be aware that the idea of forcing people to be vaccinated is back in the news and I think it’s time to look at the background to what is happening. To start with, of course, it’s…
We’re All In This Boxcar Together
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Beware of self-righteous billionaires and their government lackeys In his e-mail to me about the Northern Light Convention, Mr. Mads Palsvig explained: “We oppose global totalitarianism in all its disguises.” I was pleased to see his use of the word “disguises,” because I have long believed that totalitarians work primarily…