Adverse Reactions
Whistleblower Nurse: ‘I’ve Never Seen So Many Injuries’
A Maryland Nurse’s Report: “… We have no idea what to do with these patients who have been injured by an experimental treatment. There’s no information how to help them. And even breaking through the cognitive dissonance of physicians, to accept a patient has been vaccine injured, is a huge chasm.” She took the words…
1490 Reported Covid Vaccine Deaths in the UK
UK Column have developed a Yellow Card analysis overview interactive chart. It shows the amount of reported adverse reactions and fatalities after the covid injection. In the drop-down, you are able to chose or type in a specific illness and product to get accurate data. These reports show only a small percentage of all adverse…
How to End NHS Harrasment – Suggestions From Our Readers!
This morning we published an enquiry from a reader regarding the steady flow of letters and calls from the NHS urging him to take the Covid ‘vaccine’. Several responses to his enquiry have already reached us, and here they are. Thank you to everyone who responded. After a period of no contact from the NHS…
Dr Hoffe: Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’ Will Kill Most People Through Heart Failure
The majority of those who get fully vaccinated with the Covid-19 jab will die within a few short years from heart failure, warns Dr Charles Hoffe, M.D, a medical practitioner from British Columbia, Canada. In his latest update from July 6, Hoffe reported on the disturbing findings in his patients who took the vaccine. He…
Lockdown Will Be Lifted Except When It Won’t
Mike Robinson and David Scott with Monday’s news update from the UK Column. Topics in this video: Lockdown Will Be Lifted Except When It Won’t Rediscover Summer With The Help Of The Government Multiple Variant Case Discovered Apparently In Fake News Article Australian Propaganda Goes Fear Porn Stratospheric US Considers Mandatory Vaccinatio Adverse Reaction Statistics…
Dr Emanuel Garcia: “I Am Gravely Concerned About the Roll-Out of the Pfizer Vaccine’.
Dr Emanuel García New Zealand doctor speaking out about the Covid-19 response from a psychiatrist’s perspective. Dr García received his MD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1986. He is Board Certified in Psychiatry and Neurology by the ABPN. He has practised as a psychoanalyst, psychotherapist and psychiatrist for over thirty years and is currently…
Dr Damian Wojcik: ‘My Deep Concerns About The Covid-19 Vaccination Roll-Out in New Zealand’
Dr Davian Wojcik is a general practitioner with 27 years experience, working in Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand. His medical practice includes nutrition and environmental medicine. He is also a forensic physician with a Master’s degree in forensic medicine from Monash University in Australia and almost 3 decades experience as a police doctor. Dr Wojcik is…