NatWest launches payment tracking to crack down on meat and dairy purchases
NatWest Bank not only spying on your private purchases but actively nudging you to ditch healthy food, like meat and diary, and pushing for carbon-neutral pap! A major international bank has launched a new payment monitoring system to track customers’ purchases as part of a crackdown on the general public buying meat and dairy products.…
Six Reasons Why Raw Milk is Special
What makes raw milk so special? “What’s the big deal with raw milk? What makes it so special?” you may wonder. Well, when it comes to comparing raw milk and regular (a.k.a. pasteurized milk), they are two entirely different substances. Raw milk is a living food, full of digestion-enhancing enzymes. Pasteurized milk, on the other…
200,000 Cows to be Killed to Fight ‘Climate Change’?
200,000 Cows to be KILLED to fight “Climate Change”: Government Proposal (Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov/YT): Roman Balmakov explains why slaughtering hundred-thousands of cows because of ‘climate change’ makes no sense at all, unless there’s some kind of dark agenda behind it all. He also talks about the situation of Dutch farmers, and their important…
Dutch Farmers Create Their Own Political Party
The Dutch farmers have created their own political party, and it’s doing well in the polls. They are winning their battle against the government that threatened to destroy their way of life. The story of the Dutch farmers’ protest is an inspiration to us all. It is a tale of success and of the rise…