
Ban the Use of Face Masks in Schools

The petition says: Face coverings should be banned in schools as they can inhibit communication which could restrict learning and could create social stigma. Besides that there are more reasons for banning mask wearing: Children are suffering physically and mentally from having to wear a mask and from being surrounded by mask wearers. Face masks

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Result of Parliament Debate After Petition Against Restrictions for Those who Refuse the Vaccine

The debate took place last Saturday in parliament following a petition with over 300,000 signatures for the prevention of any restrictions for those who refuse a Covid-19 vaccine. During the debate there was a protest at Parliament Square. A great part of the debate was simply propaganda for the vaccine. As usual, people who are

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Sign the Petition: Prevent Any Restrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid-19 Vaccination

Please sign. Parliament will debate this petition on 14 December 2020. “I want the Government to prevent any restrictions being placed on those who refuse to have any potential Covid-19 vaccine. This includes restrictions on travel, social events, such as concerts or sports. No restrictions whatsoever. You cannot force someone to have a vaccination, and

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