Traditional Catholic Prayers on the Death of a Monarch and for the New Monarch

Psalm 50 Misere (Repentance)

(All kneel, and alternate verses with the priest)

P: Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness;
in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense.
A: Thoroughly wash me from my guilt
and of my sin cleanse me.

P: For I acknowledge my offense,
and my sin is before me always:
All: Against you only have I sinned,
and done what is evil in your sight,

P: That you may be justified in your sentence,
vindicated when you condemn.
All: Indeed, in guilt was I born,
and in sin my mother conceived me;

P: Behold, you are pleased with sincerity of heart,
and in my inmost being you teach me wisdom.
All: Cleanse me of sin with hyssop, that I may be purified;
wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

P: Let me hear the sounds of joy and gladness;
the bones you have crushed shall rejoice.
All: Turn away your face from my sins,
and blot out all my guilt.

P: A clean heart create for me, O God,
and a steadfast spirit renew within me.
All: Cast me not out from your presence,
and your Holy Spirit take not from me.

P: Give me back the joy of your salvation,
and a willing spirit sustain in me.
All: I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners shall return to you.

P: Free me from blood guilt, O Lord, my saving God;
then my tongue shall revel in your justice.
All: O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth shall proclaim your praise.

P: For you are not pleased with sacrifices;
should I offer a holocaust, you would not accept it.
All: My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.

P: Be bountiful, O Lord, to Sion in your kindness
by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem;
All: Then shall you be pleased with due sacrifices,
burnt offerings and holocausts;
then shall they offer up bullocks on your altar.

P: Glory be to the Father.
All: As it was in the beginning.


For any tribulation

Let us pray.

O God Almighty, look not in disdain upon thy people who cry to thee in their affliction, but for the glory of thy name be pleased to succour us who are so sorely troubled.


Let us pray.

We beseech Thee, almighty God, that Thy servant Charles our King, who has been called by Thy mercy to rule over this kingdom, may also receive from Thee an increase of all virtues. Fittingly adorned with these, may he be able to shun all evildoing, and, finally, being well pleasing before Thee, together the royal family, attain unto Thee who art the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Through Christ Our Lord.


Chant of the Heart: Miserere Mei – Psalm 50/51 – Mystical Repentance & Transformation Chant (Patrick Lenk/YT)