Northern Territory Aborigines are being dragged out of their communities by the army and police, taken to health centres and forcibly inoculated with a deadly vaccine according to Larrakeya elder Judy Mills who claims it is “genocide of blackfellas.”
An agitated Judy Mills has called the NT Labor, Chief Administrator Michael Gunner a “coward who is deceiving and killing our people.”
“It’s a program of elimination,” a distressed Ms Mills said.
“I have heard stories about people getting knocked down in a community apparently by the army and forcibly vaccinated.”
“Where’s our army? We just can’t lie down and let these come. They’re genociding everybody.
“They’re about eliminating blackfellas.”
NT residents with any knowledge should contact Judy Mills (phone number mentioned in the video).
Meanwhile, the Queensland Liberal Opposition leader David Cristafulli has visited the far northern Aboriginal community of Lockhart River on an information gathering exercise to help bolster low vaccination rates across broader Cape York.
Lockhart River Mayor Wayne Butcher has been bushwhacked by Queensland Health and the Premier into believing the mRNA jab will prevent covid sickness.
What he does not realise are the now-emerging long-term adverse effects the mRNA toxic proteins will have on his community members, many with co-morbidities of type one and two diabetes and kidney complaints common among Cape York communities.
According to Cairns News medical staff have said that Cairns Base Hospital is overflowing with vaccine injured patients. Ambulance sirens, according to residents have increased tenfold since Covid jabs started in their city.
India and Japan have cleaned up their covid problems by giving their populations Ivermectin. Why did the Queensland Premier legislate preventing doctors from prescribing it?
Perhaps it’s because of her father’s position as chairman of the world body of gene sequencing companies? Or the husband of former CMO Dr Jeanette Young who holds a position as a consultant for Pfizer?
Source: Rumble/Cairn News
SOS – Lurnpa – Original Sovereign Tribal Federation – Please help Australia
To those in service to humanity
Sovereign Tribal People from many Tribal Nations in Australia calling out for National and International exposure to what’s happening in the tribal communities in particular in the Northern Territory.
We must stand up to the ongoing genocide wars being committed by the settlers, coloniser, capitalist, globalist, transhumanist empire. Premeditated trauma, suffering and dysfunction throughout the whole spectrum of Nations, countries, societies, communities, families and individuals.
If we don’t stand by our brothers and sisters this time around then we deserve what’s coming for all of us. Keep sharing the truth let’s bring community together. Share far and wide the world is watching! (turtledove/YT)
Backup video (shorter version):
SAS Colonel ‘We Have a Cowardly Military’ ‘- Riccardo Bosi, Australian Special Air Service
The Global Veterans Alliance ensure the freedom our forbearers and colleagues fought, died and suffered for is protected peacefully and lawfully for this and future generations.
‘We have a cowardly Military’. Veteran Australian Special Air Service (SAS) Lt Col Riccardo Bosi urges non-compliance with regards to recent events down under. (Chris Thrall/YT)
The first 20 minutes of this UK Column video are focused on the Australian Gulag and forced internment. Commented bz Brian Gerrish, Alex Thomson and Patrick Henningson: