March for Life UK will take place in London on Saturday, 2nd September. This is an annual event where thousands gather to raise awareness of the millions of children who are killed in the womb each year, before they see the light of day.
Young women are often led to believe that an abortion will ‘solve the problem’. But the opposite is true. Women who have had an abortion are often traumatised for life, and even if they don’t always admit it, they are scarred and hurt. Moreover, abortion is a dirty billion-pound business involved with Big Pharma, and with blood on its hands.
Many are concerned about restrictions on freedoms but it’s often not until these restrictions affect us personally that we speak up. Sadly, those who have their most fundamental freedom taken from them, by abortion, cannot speak for themselves – this is why we march. For our nation to be truly free, no one can be denied the number one freedom: the freedom to live!
Find out more on the official website here: March For Life