Blood Clots

98% of Adverse Events Are NOT Being Reported in the UK

At the center of this controversy lies the UK’s Yellow Card System, a mechanism to report adverse reactions. Though originally paper-based (hence the name “yellow card”), this system has since gone digital. Nonetheless, its efficacy is now under scrutiny. According to Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, as little as

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Dr McCullough: The Covid Vaccines Are Causing the ‘Largest Blood Clots We’ve Ever Seen’

“My experience with these blood clots are they’re enormously resistant to blood thinners,” disclosed Dr. Peter McCullough. “Wuhan spike protein is inside the blood clots, and it’s folding, forming what’s called amyloid structures.” “They [researchers] found astronomical rates of blood clots in the retinal arteries and retinal veins in those vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.

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The Mystery Around the Egg Shortage

According to a publication on the National Library of Medicine egg yolk antibodies block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (see full text here: Why is there a shortage of eggs? BBC – the main distributor of lies and financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (see here) – gives the following

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Criminal Malfeasance: ‘The Bodies Are Piling Up – They See What We See’

“Our public health agencies are in a cover-up mode, and this is criminal negligence and malfeasance,” asserted Ed Dowd. “The numbers are undeniable; they see what we see. Denmark had one of the most egregious excess mortality [rates]. … They ended their vaccination program for those under 50 and said, ‘It’s better to get COVID

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Fully Vaccinated Brits Developing AIDS

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publishes a weekly ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report containing statistics on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status across England over a period of four weeks. (…) Every cell that they [the covid injections] infect, starts to produce pathogenic spike proteins. Your immune system recognises this (even if you don’t)

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Switzerland: Blood Analysis After Covid Vaccination

Dr Armin Koroknay graduated in pharmacy and biology, with specializations in toxicology, genetics, immunobiology, tumor biology, medical microbiology, virology, neurobiology, anthropology. He is the author of numerous academic publications. (srmgin/Bitchute) Some parts of the video are in French, but Armin Koroknay speaks in English about his research. The blood analysis shows that blood clotting occurs

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