
  • More ABSOLUTE Insanity in the UK!

    Police are arresting people for sitting on a bench at the beach. This is just an example of many incidents of police harassing and arresting peaceful citizens for doing precisely nothing. The UK has turned into a police state and basic rights are being striped off us. One of the videos shows how police are…

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  • One rule for us and another for them?

    Brave man questions why police are allowing themselves to do what we aren’t allowed to. Watch: https://youtu.be/NOv-voaiUoY

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  • Will the Police Be Redundant in Less than Two Years?

    Dr Vernon Coleman analyses the role of the police in controlling demonstrations held by those fighting for freedom. Watch the video on Brandnewtube: Will the Police Be Redundant in Less Than Two Years? This meme shows how things have changed. Police are now chasing people for not wearing a mask, as if it were a…

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  • Are Protests Legal?

    It is one of our basic rights to be able to gather and make use of free speech. We have a right to gather and a right to free speech by law. With the excuse of Covid legislation, the government and the police are imposing restrictions on gatherings. Protests are however exempt in all three…

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  • If You Are Under Threat of Arrest Or Have Been Arrested: Advice on Arrest

    This note of advice has been passed on to people who were being arrested in London on Saturday. Ask for officer’s name, badge number, station they work out of and ask to see warrant card. Ask: “Have I committed a crime?” If they say “Yes”, ask who the victim is. If they say “No”, then…

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