Alexander Tschugguel shares the terrifying covid tyranny coming out of Austria and the resistance movement that’s fighting against it. (RealAmericasVoice/Rumble)
The Rosary is a strong, meditative prayer based on events in the Gospel. Throughout history people have been praying the rosary to fend off enemies, in moments of great need, for their families and for challenges in everyday life. People all over the globe still pray the rosary today. Many miracles are attributed to the graces coming from praying the rosary.
How to pray the Rosary:
Need a rosary to pray with? Wooden rosaries available here
St Bonifatius Institute (by Alexander Tschugguel):
Please share this desperate plea from this young unvaccinated Austrian on what is about to befall them
Second half to follow
@SirGrahamBrady @thecoastguy @MarkSteynOnline— Kathy Gyngell (@KathyConWom) December 12, 2021