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Who would have thought at the beginning of 2020 that ‘three weeks to flatten the curve’ would become more than two years—destroying both the economy and people’s health?
A group of billionaires, in cooperation with their globalist puppets and the mainstream media, planned just that. Masked as ‘covid rules’ they imposed restrictions on our freedom, introduced mandated vaccinations, and increased digital control. Now they are using ‘climate change’ and ‘net zero’ to continue their Machiavellian agenda.
As you read this book it will become clear that nothing can be labelled easily or dismissively as a ‘conspiracy theory’. Humanity is now experiencing conspiracies that have been in the planning for decades—or even longer. It is our duty to do everything we can to stop these plans, or else we will all be dragged into a dark abyss.
Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil contains hard evidence, essays, testimonies, letters, and reflections exposing the big lies of the past two years, and also delivers messages of hope for a brighter future.
We Were Right. They Were Wrong:
Who are the real conspiracy theorists? Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen: “It is time to take the term “conspiracy theorist” and apply it on those people who are still believing the Covid lies.” (Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen/YT)