Agenda 2030
NatWest launches payment tracking to crack down on meat and dairy purchases
NatWest Bank not only spying on your private purchases but actively nudging you to ditch healthy food, like meat and diary, and pushing for carbon-neutral pap! A major international bank has launched a new payment monitoring system to track customers’ purchases as part of a crackdown on the general public buying meat and dairy products.…
A Not-So-United State of Affairs
By Ray Wilson The flash floods of Thursday washed debris—dirt, twigs, and leaves down the road; it has been shoved to one side by passing vehicles over a couple of days. We swerve slightly to avoid the now tinder dry piles. The heat of the sun has burned through the clouds of the morning, providing…
Olympics Opening Ritual: Perverted, Blasphemous and Satanic
What Happened at Olympics 2024 will shock you (RISE/YT): An In-Depth Look at the Depravity of the 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony The satanic corona virus ritual at the 2012 olympics 100,000 Children in the UK Go Missing Every Year, 25% of Whom Come from the Care Sector The Worst Crime on Earth Right Now…
The Invasion of Ireland
A month ago, Micheal Yon posted a video on Twitter to explain what is happening in Ireland with the wave of immigration which he says is actually an invasion. Ireland has a military of about 6,700 but an estimated 120,000 “migrants” have entered the country. These “migrants” are clearly invaders, “I’ve been there looking at…
The Truth About Chemtrails From Pilots
The skies are awash with unusual trails in the skies. Confirmation comes from two commercial pilots who know what is happening from close quarters. (Richard Vobes/YT) Geo-engineering Watch A Multi-Dimensional War on Humanity Is Enabled by Corrupt Governments Met Office Admits Spraying Skies Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped Cloud…
MEP Jorge Buxadé: ‘Agenda 2030 Is Diabolical’
Transcript in English: You should be apologizing for the Green Pact and you are holding a debate to accuse the far right and the conservatives of being a risk to the climate and nature. You are a meme. Of course we are going to repeal your Green Pact and, of course, erase from history your…
Controlled or Free? London Event
Last hours for booking! Get tickets here When: Thursday 11 April, 4.45-9.30 pmWhere: The Emmanuel Centre, 9-23 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3DW Come and hear cutting-edge speakers joining the dots and explaining how the changes that we are seeing in our infrastructures and lifestyles – ULEZ, AI, CBDC, Social Credit Scores, Net Zero and more…
Journalist Exposes the Satanic Destruction of the Transgender Agenda
In-Depth Analysis of The ‘De-Transition’ Movement: Get an inside glimpse into the horrific and destructive world of the transgender agenda like never before, which has left an entire generation of young people mutilated, sterilized, and clinically depressed. Now, Christian journalist Brandon Showalter is exposing the transgender movement by documenting a series of men and women…