The Government Has a Tradition of Giving Bad Health Advice
By John Kline I do not profess to be a health expert, by any means, but I do possess an inquisitive mind and the ability to think critically. As a sufferer of “high cholesterol” and having a heart attack at the age of 42, I was given stents and a huge cocktail of other drugs…
Worldwide Testimonies About Smart Meters
Have you had enough of being tracked and traced and overrun by digitalisation? Have your say in our Writing Challenge ‘How to avoid digital slavery’ Jennifer Andree is a New Mexico resident who was severely injured by a smart meter “that has completely devastated my life.” She is a nurse and a veteran who knew nothing…
If We Stop 5G We’ll Stop Transhumanism – 5G Radiation Poisoning
5G Radiation injures 250K Telecom Workers a year as residents are warned to stay away (Puretrauma357/Bitchute): Full steam ahead for 5G – and let’s not even think about the damage to health On December 13, Michael Mansfield QC will lead a case at the Royal Courts of Justice in London against the Government concerning the…
People Suffering From Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Field Immersion
By Paul Ursell To live your life is not so simple as to cross a field -Russian Proverb I just heard from my friend, I was worried about. She is electro-sensitive and can’t be anywhere near a mobile phone or Wi-Fi hub without excruciating pain, risk of stroke, risk of heart failure or risk of…
UK Column Interview with Dr Vernon Coleman – An Analysis of Medical Corruption
Dr Vernon Coleman joins UKColumn to provide an analysis of medical corruption and insanity. Backed by years of experience as a Doctor, Broadcaster, Journalist and Best Selling Author, Dr Coleman clinically analyses and deconstructs the malevolent health agenda installing itself in UK and world-wide. Our discussions highlight the reality of the pharmaceutical industry being used…
All Cause Mortality Remains High Amid MSM Silence
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans with Wednesday’s UK Column News. Topics in this video: 00:32 – Inflation Problem Driven By Corrupt Cartels 05:15 – All Cause Mortality Remains High Amid MSM Silence 10:22 – Spikevax Bivalent Original/Omicron Approved – Health News 22:27 – Where Is Healthcare Heading? 33:32 – Alex…
EMF Radiation Putting Health at Risk
A reader writes: Hello and God bless you! They have been slowly killing us with emf radiation for years. In my case, via the ‘smart’ electricity meter installed in my home in 2015. Although it was only when ‘imprisoned’ in my home that I began to get serious migraines. The photographed EMF meter is balanced…
We Need a New Healthcare Service
By Michael T Arnot We need a new NHS—I will for the moment call such the ‘People’s Healthcare Provision’ (PHP) until a better title is devised. We need this because it is getting ever harder and more impossible to actually get to see one’s own doctor. And so my proposal is this: We need to…
Government Acknowledges Vaccine Damage
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans with today’s UK Column News. 00.28 – NATO Leaders Summit 17:01 – The Military Mental Health Crisis 23:49 – Ukraine War Propaganda 29:30 – Latest From UK Column 31:10 – Government Duplicity Exposed 33:09 – The Digital Health Revolution 37:45 – Government Acknowledges Vaccine Damage 53:20…