
There Is a Global Concern Regarding the Sexualization of Children in Education

By Ray Wilson Stretching Eyes West  “Stretching eyes westOver the seaWind foul or fairAlways stood sheProspect- impressed:Solely out thereDid her gaze restNever elsewhere,Seemed charm to be “ -The Riddle by Thomas Hardy And so at last we arrive in Lyme Bay on a blustery morning having parked the motorcycle combination up on the hill and walked

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YouTube Censorship

Is the censorship too much? Many YouTubers I speak to have been either struct off the platform or demonetized from saying things on their channel that do not comply with the terms and conditions. Others have been shadow banned and can no longer trust viewing figures. Do we need another platform? (Richard Vobes/YT) See also:

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An Urgent Call to Action – Government Is Launching New Assault On Nation’s Children

They are after your children! They will use children as the excuse for the next lockdown. Don’t believe them. Turn off your TVs. (Vobes/Rumble) Update: The roll-out of nasal flu vaccination in schools will not only take place in secondary schools (as described in the article below), but also in primary schools. See the government

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The Domesday Project

By Ray Wilson The introduction of the BBC Micro Computer to the masses in the early 1980s was an ambitious project, but one I now look on with a degree of suspicion It’s 1982, and we are busy In our factory at the edge of the Ashdown Forest. “Come on, the customer wants the Rosetta

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