Swab Tests

Toxic Chemicals and Nanotubes In Test Swabs – Dr Gettor: ‘Please Stop Using Them!’

Werner Bergholz, former professor of electronic engineering and consultant for the German parliament, presents laboratory results from examining test swabs and discusses the finding of ethylene oxide in that context. (OVALmedia/Odysee) These test swabs are widely used by the population for testing for covid. Ethylene oxide is highly toxic, causes cancer and damages DNA and

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Crime Report on Vaccine Assault

Commandant Bulldog or whosoever is left standing and competent at the station responsible for the Peace, Law and Order in Little Blighty and South East Lilliput: you will be aware that an assembly of the People testified yesterday at your headquarters. Serious crime reports were delivered or registered. Sergeant Schwarz was presented with incontrovertible evidence

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