Swab Tests

  • Toxic Chemicals and Nanotubes In Test Swabs – Dr Gettor: ‘Please Stop Using Them!’

    Werner Bergholz, former professor of electronic engineering and consultant for the German parliament, presents laboratory results from examining test swabs and discusses the finding of ethylene oxide in that context. (OVALmedia/Odysee) These test swabs are widely used by the population for testing for covid. Ethylene oxide is highly toxic, causes cancer and damages DNA and…

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  • Beware of Poison in Covid-19 Home Test Kit

    Health Impact News reports: Greg Reese of Infowars.com recently published a report that reveals a lethal drug that is included in Abbott’s BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test Kit has a history of killing people even in small doses. The instructions for the test kit warn that this is a “hazardous” ingredient that is not to be…

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  • Cignpost Diagnostics Allegedly Planning to Sell Swabs Containing DNA

    Dr Vernon coleman’s Wednesday Review – Episode Two Transcript: It’s been an extraordinary few days and the mainstream Media has pretty well missed some amazing news. I haven’t missed it though so please spread this video far and wide. Here’s some of the news about covid-19, the jabs and health care that has become available…

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  • Tests Using Up to 45 Cycles Lead to a Flood of False Positives

    The best expert evidence is that the risk from Covid is similar to the risk from influenza. Many experts are now saying that Covid is simply a rebranding of influenza and colds, supported by PCR testing that was never intended as a diagnostic tool. The WHO says that PCR testing should not be used beyond…

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  • PCR Tests and the Depopulation Program

    By Kevin Galalae Ever since the plandemic has been started, I asked myself why the authorities insist on performing as many Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests as possible, as often as possible on the same individuals, and on as many people as possible given their invasive nature and the fact that they were never meant…

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  • Safeguarding Children and Young People

    The following document was sent to us by a Safeguarding Officer. Every teacher in every school as well as anyone with responsibility for children should read this. You can download the PDF file below. Introduction Emergency Raising of Serious Concerns are as a result of the proven risks of serious and irreversible-harm of health to…

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  • Test Swabs Contaminated With Ethylene Oxide

    The swab used to test for covid, made in China, is saturated with Ethylene Oxide (EO), which is a carcinogen, damages DNA and fertility. (Bitchute) SWAB TESTS1. Swab tests risk mental health problems as they are humiliating, embarrassing and demonising.2. Swab tests can be painful.3. Swab tests leave plastic fibres deep inside the nasal cavity.4.…

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  • Crime Report on Vaccine Assault

    Commandant Bulldog or whosoever is left standing and competent at the station responsible for the Peace, Law and Order in Little Blighty and South East Lilliput: you will be aware that an assembly of the People testified yesterday at your headquarters. Serious crime reports were delivered or registered. Sergeant Schwarz was presented with incontrovertible evidence…

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  • Johns Hopkins University Confirms: You Can Be Vaccinated with a PCR Test, Without Knowing

    Have you ever wondered why they are so eager to get as many as possible not only vaccinated, but also tested…? In January 2019, the WHO defined the growing number of vaccination critics as one of the top ten threats to global health, and since the unprecedented Corona vaccination fiasco, the number of vaccination refusers…

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  • Test on Covid Swabs: Nylon Bristles Stay in Body

    A reader wrote: I have repeated the experiment shown on Twitter, and the NHS swabs do shed nylon bristles when rubbed against a piece of raw bacon. Repeated swabbing of asymptomatic people (especially children) must cause damage to the mucosa, which is the first line of defence against respiratory viruses. Is this a problem they…

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