Survive the News reports: The alarming findings show that the vast majority of covid hospitalizations are occurring among fully-vaccinated individuals and that outcomes among the fully vaccinated are growing worse with each passing week. This appears to fit the pattern of so-called Antibody Dependent Enhancement, where the treatment intervention (mRNA vaccines) is worsening health outcomes and leading to excess hospitalizations and deaths. (…)
Ethnic groups hit hardest: Native Americans, Hispanics and Blacks
Finally, a horrifying slide in the data set reveals that one of the highest risk factors for being hospitalized after being vaccinated is simply being of Native American descent. According to the data in this slide, Native Americans face around 50% higher odds of being hospitalized after being vaccinated, compared to other ethnic groups such as Whites.
Hispanics face a slightly lower risk which appears to be around 40% higher odds. Blacks face around 25% higher odds.
Why is this the case? The gain-of-function properties which were engineered into the SARS-CoV-2 biological weapon — via Fauci, Daszak and the NIH — target ACE2 receptors which exist in higher densities in targeted organ systems of many minority groups such as Native Americans, Hispanics and Blacks. This has led many observers to conclude that the covid spike protein — which is generated in the bodies of those who take mRNA vaccines — is a race-specific bioweapon designed to achieve depopulation of minority groups. Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, has engaged in many efforts to bring this to the attention of his followers, for example. These data provided by the DoD / JAIC / Project Salus document shown here appear to support the plausibility of such theories. (…)
Read the full article, including charts, here:
Renz Law reports: Recently discovered DOD (Department of Defence) stamped documents show the following:
-As Delta Variant Surged to over 50% in June, Covid-19 Hospitalizations more than doubled, reversing the prior trend of decreasing hospitalizations since April.
-Unlike what Fauci, Biden, and Big Pharma are telling the American public about the safety and effectiveness of the 3 Covid Vaccines, the following DOD stamped document shows 60% of the hospitalized are fully vaccinated.
-This DOD stamped document also reveals that the government knows that “prior Covid-19 infection has a major protective effect against breakthrough hospitalization,” which means that natural herd immunity is superior to the vaccines.
View the full article (1/10/2021):
National File reports: A Public Health England Technical briefing released in September 2021 entitled “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England” has some findings that do not bode well for vaccine supporters. The numbers show vaccinated people contracted and died of the so-called “Delta” variant of Coronavirus at a far greater rate than unvaccinated people between February 1, 2021 and September 12, 2021.
During the time period in question, unvaccinated people reportedly accounted for 257,357 Delta cases out of 593,572 total Delta cases (approximately 43 percent), and 722 out of 2,542 Delta deaths (approximately 28 percent) “within 28 days of positive specimen date.” What does that mean? It means that the vast majority of Delta deaths in England during this period occurred among vaccinated people, NOT unvaccinated people.
View the chart here:
The Blaze reports: According to the Public Health England data, for the 60s age cohort, the infection rates are now 63% higher among the vaccinated than unvaccinated, up from 53% in last week’s report. (…)
At this point, it is impossible to overlook the absolute failure of this vaccine to achieve its stated goal. There were dramatically more deaths this August than last August, something that makes zero sense given the high vaccination rates. The few unvaccinated people can’t be responsible for a worse outcome than when nobody was vaccinated. (…)
Well, here we are today with a mass coronavirus vaccine campaign nobody in a previous generation could have imagined, and we have worse spread from the vaccinated than before the vaccination campaign. We are experiencing the exact opposite of the false premise used by pro-mandate politicians; namely, it’s the vaccinated endangering others.
Read the full article: