Digital Slavery
Your phone is more than just listening to you
It would appear that our smartphones operate beyond their so-called parameters without our knowledge. Nick joins me to assert these devices have further intrusions and infringements on our bodies and mind in a way we perhaps hadn’t imagined. (Richard Vobes/YT) Spy In Your Car Get the App and Lose Your Freedom Loyalty Schemes: Don’t give…
Ask Ella – Torment of a smartphone addict
By Tinderella Our Agony Aunt is here to help readers navigate the choppy waters of modern society. Today’s torment comes to us from a smartphone addict. Dear Ella, My last phone was driving me crazy, losing files, running slow, turning on its torch while in my pocket and burning my thigh, setting off its alarm…
Do they want to stop us from sending letters?
Sending off a letter doesn’t grant complete protection of your data and privacy. Nowadays it is quite normal to have a camera watching you as you send off letters and packets at a Royal Mail post office – look up from where you’re standing and no doubt, you will discover a surveillance camera above your…
Scrap the NHS app Have You Got The NHS App? Scrap The App Before The NHS Is Digital First – New Statesman: The government is running before it can walk on NHS digital transformation – NHS England: Digital transformation – GOV.UK (2020): Better tech: not a ‘nice to have’ but vital to have for the NHS – UK…
Loyalty Schemes: Don’t give away your personal details for cheaper products
By John Blundell Supermarkets use their “clubcard” to give those that disclose their personal details up to a 50% reduction on prices. The huge £2.3 billions of profits Tesco is making has emboldened their Corporatocracy. They are all doing it: Sainsbury Nectar card, Boots Advantage Card, Waitrose Loyalty Card, Asda Rewards Card, Morrison More Card,…
Tony Blair Excited about ‘Technology Revolution that Is Going to Change Everything!’
“This revolution is going to change everything about our society” Labour has only been in power a week and already lots of noise from Tony Blair about digitisation. (Together/YT) TESLA Model 3 and Your Health – EMF Radiation Review After experiencing and reading complaints of headaches on the forums, it’s time to check how much…
We Are Bringing Cash Back to Life!
Letters and Cash Hurray! After being online for four years, we are finally able to accept cash payments and receive physical letters. If you would like to make a donation or pay for books or subscriptions in cash, please send us an email (use the email in the newsletter) and we will send you our…
A Triad of Tyranny
Three Bills are being rammed through the Senate to create legislation that will transform the UN-WEF plans for surveillance and control into a dystopian reality in Australia. The first is the Identity Verification Services Bill 2023, which is designed to permit the use of biometric data to locate and track citizens and normalise it. The…
Goodbye Amazon
We are in the process of transferring our books to a UK printing firm after having searched and tried for several months. It will take up to a few more months until all books have been moved. We have started with our most recent book, ‘How to Avoid Digital Slavery’ (pre-order here.) There are several…
We Are Drowning In Messaging, but There Is Less Conversation Than Ever
By T J Martin The Magic Words, Please and … Some people are notoriously difficult to shop for! Lest I be taken for an Ebenezer, though, I submit to the yearly ritual of second-guessing sizes, tastes, needs, wants, and frivolities of family members—usually at the last possible moment. Any post-Christmas reprieve is short, however, given…