‘They Aren’t Following the Science, They’re Following Agendas’ (Scotland Together Events)

“What we’ve got is a bunch of Poundland authoritarians” – James Melville:

James Melville at Together’s Edinburgh event. (Together/YT)

Nudge: “We Are Being Misled And Misinformed:

“We, the public, must always be heard and not treated with contempt or side-lined. Our voices must be heard and manipulated and ignored.” (Together/YT)

Net Zero: “Lithium batteries are made with cobalt, mined by 40,000 child slaves in the Congo:

James Melville at Edinburgh: Public Forum – Who Benefits from “20 Minute Neighbourhoods,” LTNs, Low Emission Zones? (Together/YT)

Upcoming Event

Together’s Glasgow Public Forum

Where: Adelaide Place, 209 Bath St, Glasgow, G2 4HZ

When: 26 March, 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Calling all Glasgow residents, workers, visitors – please join us for a public forum to discuss:

* “Low Emission Zones” (LEZs)
* Parking Restrictions
* “20 Minute Neighbourhoods”
* “Liveable Neighbourhoods” (AKA “Low Traffic Neighbourhoods” = road blocks)
* “Active Travel”
* Net Zero

Who benefits? Who loses? Who decides?

* Democratic agreement or imposed from above?
* Citizen wellbeing or income generation?
* Freedom and choice – or enforced restrictions?

With LEZs set to be imposed across Scottish cities, join Together in Glasgow for this timely public debate, with panel speakers including:

Penny Lewis, Architecture and Urban Planning lecturer at the University of Dundee, author Architecture and Collective Life, and former editor of Prospect, the Scottish architectural magazine

Ben Pile, co-founder of Climate Debate UK, which helps the public, journalists and other organisations find the information necessary for democratic discussion about climate and energy policy, author “Clean” Air, Dirty Money, Filthy Politics and Chair of Together Cabinet Workgroup on Net Zero

Donald MacLeod MBE, Glasgow’s entertainment and club guru, and former columnist for The Scottish Herald, a vocal opponent of Glasgow’s LEZ and “Liveable Neighbourhoods”

Stef Shaw AKA “The Glasgow Cabbie,” on the impact of anti-driver policies on the local cab trade and economy (watch short video here)

Alan Miller, Together Co-Founder

Tickets available here: https://togetherdeclaration.org/event/together-glasgow-public-forum/

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