While Canadian politicians try to runaway from their devilish actions, Hillier provides a detailed description on how the Ontario government knew they overreacted during the “pandemic,” but were manipulated into promoting the Con Job.
You can watch the entire Hearings with:
Senator Ron Johnson
Dr. Robert Malone, MD
Dr Jessica Rose, PhD
Mr. Ed Dowd
Mr. Kevin McKernan
Dr. David Gortler, PharmD
Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD
Ms. Barbara Loe Fisher
Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD
Mr. Del Bigtree
Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD
Dr. Pierre Kory, MD
Dr. Christian Perronne, MD, PhD
Dr. Raphael Lataster, PhD
Ms. Lara Logan
Mr. Jason Christoff
Mr. Rodney Palmer
Dr. Mattias Desmet, PhD
Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD
Mr. Randy Hillier
Dr. Sorin Titus Muncaciu
Mr. Rob Roos
Mr. Phillip Kruse
- We Will Expose the Covid Con and Hold Those Responsible to Account for This Fraud
- Was the NHS really overwhelmed?
- Exposing the Fakery
- Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil (Book)
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