Agenda 2030

  • Italian Town Introduces Social Credit Style Scheme

    The best way to avoid a social credit scheme in your country that interferes with your life is to ditch your ‘smart’ phone. Use a phone without internet; there are other devices you can use for the internet. Say NO to all Agenda 2030 dehumanising and destructive nonsense! See more about ways to ditch the…

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  • Overpopulation Is a Lie

    Think About the Overpopulation (Population Research Institute/YT): Can you believe that all of humanity could fit in Australia, or in Texas or in Great Britain? That food is also not an issue? A lot of food is wasted… Wars, vaccines, supply chain interruptions are the cause of illnesses and famines. While cities may appear crowded,…

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  • The NHS Disowns Women and Girls

    “Bloody Brilliant”, a website created by the Welsh government and NHS Wales to provide advice on menstruation and periods, has censored the terms “girls” and “women” from its guidance on periods. Instead, it is calling them “people who bleed” or “half the population.” “We are Bloody Brilliant, a source of knowledge, support, information and empowerment…

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  • Agenda 2030 in Full Swing

    You know the Agenda 2030 is in full swing, when certain gatherings are forbidden and others aren’t. It was the same during the alleged covid pandemic: Gatherings for those opposing the mandates were brutally suppressed, but (Soros sponsored) BLM and (Stanley Johnson supported) Extinction Rebellions demonstrations were tolerated, or even supported. It’s fine to talk…

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  • No More Lies About 5G

      Did you know the UK government is mired in scandal and faces legal action over the 5G roll out? Since legal action was launched, the government has aimed to protect the roll out, and further the Internet of Things pertaining to all things digital. 5G is being forced upon people, for industry profits, power…

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  • How Many People Would the Globalists Like to Kill off to Achieve Their Utopian Aspirations?

    The Globalists Are Openly Admitting To Their Population Control Agenda – And That’s A Bad Sign By Brandon Smith (this article was first published on 18/11/2019) Eugenics and population control are long time hobbies of the financial elites. In the early 1900’s, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institute were deeply involved in promoting Eugenics…

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  • No Farmers No Food

    Perspective is important in life, how we choose to look at individual events can shape our outlook on the world. Some may look to the Netherlands and see farmers blocking highways, threatening to slaughter livestock, and spraying manure around the place and wonder “what’s gone wrong with this world”. But those farmers are defending their…

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  • Nothing’s Happening by Accident

    Transcript: It’s July 2022 and this is video number 314. All around the world, governments are crumbling. The only certainty is that the lies will be followed by more lies. Johnson has gone, drowned in a cess pit of his own design. Assassination in Japan. Sri Lanka’s Presidential palace burning. Biden, Macron, Trudeau et al…

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  • The Destruction of Small Businesses and the High Street Is Part of the 2030/Net Zero Agenda

    Just as many control mechanisms were put in place after 9/11, under the pretext that security precautions were necessary because of possible terror attacks, many restrictions and surveillance measures that were due to the “pandemic” seem to still hang around—and are likely to remain so in the future. One example is the closure of Thornbury’s…

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  • Stop Grooming Our Children

    Child abuse has entered schools and other public instititions like libraries, not only through sexualisation and LGBT ideology indoctrination, but also through dodgy appearances such as a drag queen’s story time. Don’t be surprised—this is all part of Agenda21 and Agenda 2030: Destabilise, demoralise, depopulate… If you’re a parent, is this what you’ve signed up…

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