
  • Turning off the UK – electricity is being rationed

    Turning off the UK – electricity is being rationed. If you were given a ration book, you’d understand. (Katie Hopkins/YT) Labour don’t want you to watch this video Clean energy is a dirty business Throwing Out the Climate Change Narrative Would Be the Best Thing to Happen for All of Us Big Changes in the…

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  • Labour don’t want you to watch this video

    This is the Party Political Broadcast Labour don’t want you to see. Their first 95 days in office have been a total disaster. Watch the blockbuster movie trailer that nearly didn’t make it to air. (Nigel Farage/YT) We must end Britain’s net zero madness: The average energy bill has risen by £149 just as Labour…

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  • Climate change: a crumbling myth

    Great to see something we have been doing for centuries actually counters the myth that Man-Made Global Warming is a thing, or even necessary to worry about. (Richard Vobes/YT) NET ZERO: “Electricity prices are where the pain is going to be felt” Net Zero is accelerating policies putting energy prices through the roof. Britain is…

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  • Clean energy is a dirty business

    By Kristen Walker Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are probably aware of the massive push to transition to green energy. The goal is to have wind and solar replace coal and natural gas; the electric vehicle (EV) will supposedly replace internal combustion engines. Directives are coming from the highest office in the…

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  • Don’t Vote for Suicidal UK Policies

    Dear Sir Danish renewable energy firm Orsted said Wednesday it will build the world’s single largest offshore wind farm off Britain’s eastern coast. I cannot for the life of me understand the thinking behind the massive wind farm order. This is an intermittent power source, which will demand huge subsidies from UK householders and taxpayers…

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  • Require Energy Companies to Maintain a Supply of Analogue Meters

    Some people don’t wish to have smart meters installed for several reasons, including concerns they have about privacy and health. We ask the government to ensure that energy companies maintain a supply of analogue meters, to meet the ongoing demand of those wishing to not have smart meters installed. People can refuse to have smart…

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  • Throwing Out the Climate Change Narrative Would Be the Best Thing to Happen for All of Us

    By Harry Hopkins I’m a great believer in climate change. I remember walking across Derwentwater in the Lake District during the severe winter of 1963/64 whilst engaged on my Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. The whole of the region was blanketed with snow and everywhere looked beautiful. What fun it was. We don’t get severe…

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  • Nikola Tesla and Free Energy

    By Ray Wilson It’s a chilly Saturday morning in late November 2023. The skies are clear, the sun is rising, and there is still a frost on the grass verges outside my dad’s house. I avoid the potholes punched into the asphalt road as I manoeuvre the motorcycle combination onto the driveway. As soon as…

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  • The Perfect Storm

    By Harry Hopkins The last three and a half years have been pretty seismic by anybody’s standards. To those of us who are fully aware of what is afoot, there is no doubt that we are fighting a war against those who would impose their Great Reset upon the world. We are under attack from…

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  • Rishi Sunak’s Recent Net Zero Back-Pedalling: What It Really Means

    By Douglas Brodie Open letter to: Mr Maurice Golden, MSP for North East Scotlan, Mr Donald Ross MP/MSP, Sir Edward Mountain MSP, Mr Drew Hendry MP, Mr Fergus Ewing MSP Preamble  This email is an opportunistic milking of what was supposed to be my “retirement” swan-song, much shorter than the original. Mr Golden is the…

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