The hitch hiker
By Ray Wilson We finished our work early. “Do you fancy a trip to the Elephant house—the weather is nice—we can pick up the items for Sally en route,” I suggest. “Alright, let’s go,” the missus replies. “I’ll grab the hound and meet you out front.” I say We decide to take the car for…
Is Sark the World’s Most Libertarian Place to Live In?
Is Sark the world’s most libertarian place to live in? In this video, we’ll investigate this question and explore the reasons why Sark is considered to be such a great place to live. Sark is a tiny island in the Atlantic Ocean that is known for its libertarian beliefs and policies. We’ll look at the…
I’ve Lost Half of Me: Pitched Past Pitch of Grief
By Margaret Anna Alice “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” “How lucky I am to…
Fooled Again
By Ray Wilson The late afternoon sun illuminates the garden; beyond the paved courtyard, there is a fishpond. Beyond those manicured lawns and formal flower beds, there is shrubbery on the far borders. “Watch him on the paving slabs with his walker, won’t you?” my missus says. Frohike is adept at using his frame, and…
Something Is Intentionally Dropped On Us From Above
By Ray Wilson “Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information. This will encourage tendencies through the next several decades towards a technotronic era dictatorship, leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them. Finally, looking ahead to the end of the century, the possibility of biochemical mind control and…
I Prefer to Stay in my Cabin in the Woods, Away From all the Electromagnetic Frequencies
By Ray Wilson Echoes of a Laundromat It is getting late, and we are on the run-down edge of town, where broken streetlights flicker and the paint on the buildings looks lacklustre, peeling away in long, mournful strips. “What do you think happened—to Frohike, I mean?” I ask the missus. “I don’t know—maybe he got…
The Unseen Changes to Canada
By Randy Hillier Progress in Canada 2 cars in the lane way rather than 2 kids in the yard Canadians now have twice as many dogs than kids and the number is even greater for cats and cars. Sixty years ago, when I was growing up in a 3-bedroom house, with my 8 siblings, we…
The White Stag
By Ray Wilson It is proper rain. lashing down in torrents, piecing stair rods—we feel the impact through our motorcycle gear as it permeates the protective fabric. We are in the heart of the ancient Ashdown forest, where at least the harsh rain is tempered through the thick canopy of trees. “Pull over,” my missus…
White Rose Family
The White Rose UK is a group made up of people from all over the UK and in fact, all around the world. We are like one big family that loves freedom and truth. During the con-vid era, we sacrificed our jobs, our incomes, our education and often our friendships, or at least put them…