WHO Shamelessly Spreading More Fat Lies – Despite Skyrocketing Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
In a new WHO propaganda video, packed with cheap lies, Peter Hotez tries to discredit people who made the wise choice not to be vaccinated. The video, of course, does not mention the horrendous adverse reactions and skyrocketing deaths from the covid vax. The propaganda slander video appears to be an attempt to undermine the…
Why Did So Many Supposedly Intelligent People Fall for the Nonsense?
Former teacher Nigel Watson: “Schools don’t teach intelligence, schools teach children how to be obedient rule followers…” “Intelligent people are capable of independent critical thought.” “A lot of people who have got a good qualification, who self-identify as intelligent, aren’t intelligent because they are unable to think for themselves. All they do is make appeals…
They Can Backtrack All They Like – We Will Never Forget
Three weeks to flatten YOU. They separated us from our loved ones. They forced people to wear masks. They put healthy people in quarantine. They fined and prisoned those who bravely stood against tyranny. They lied and lied and lied again about ‘safe and effective’ covid vaccines. They bullied, ridiculed us, called us names, denied…
We Have Been Victims of the Biggest, Best Funded Global Mind Control Projects in History
The myth of stopping Covid-19 transmission via vaccination—public Perception is massively skewed By Ivan Fraser Having been exposed to this kind of messaging for decades, people have been persuaded to believe that vaccines stop transmission of common respiratory viruses, despite science to the contrary. Essentially, the messaging is marketing. “By having the flu jab you…
Leak: German Government’s Ukraine War Propaganda Campaign
By Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches. The below is a translation, made with the permission of the author, of Part I (dated 29 September 2022) of Florian Warweg’s exclusive article in NachDenkSeiten, a careful and reliable German new media platform. The original there contains several screenshots of the German document that has been leaked. Leaked document:…
Putin’s Donbass Speech
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and Mark Anderson with today’s UK Column News. Topics in this video: 00.35 – Putin’s Donbass Speech 15:17 – NATO Parliamentary Assembly Accession Hearing 17:18 – Implications For Donbass Accession To Russian Federation 18:43 – Sky News Exploits Children For Propaganda 22:42 – Blair Loses The Argument For Money…
Climate Change – One of the Biggest Frauds In the World Today
The following is an excerpt from the book Global Conspiracy, by Hugh Williams, available at St Edward’s Press Ltd. To order the book, please visit the publisher’s website here. Climate Change is another of the three biggest frauds being perpetrated in the world today. Here is a resumé of what William Happer had to say…
Disgusting Vaccination Propaganda Cartoon for Children
Why Big Pharma Is Going After Our Children Under 12 Years Old (Tony Lin/YT): In this video Tom Lin explains why Big Pharma is determined to get children vaccinated. If children are exposed to such cartoons like the one shown in the video, this is another reason to get your child out of public…
Challenging the Covid-19 Narrative: Interview with Former ITV and Sky News Boss Mark Sharman
In this interview with Brian Gerrish, former ITV and BSkyB Executive Mark Sharman challenges the official Covid-19 narrative, including flawed statistics, high-level media censorship, government financial ‘bribes’ of the media, lost trust in doctors, vilification of those warning of vaccine damage, and the very real harm suffered by individuals who accepted the government promoted vaccines.…