Disgusting: Moderna Recruiting UK Babies for mRNA ‘Investigational Vaccines’
5-7 month old babies are being recruited for the Rhyme trial to test new “investigational vaccines” called mRNA-1345 and mRNA-1365. The viruses being targeted by Moderna are RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and hMPV (human metapneumovirus). Is focusing efforts on developing new pharmaceutical agents the ticket to better resilience against infectious disease and better health? Or…
Anatomy of a Genocide
By Cherry Hughs Quite a strong title I know, but I think this is a fitting description of what went on at least from 2020 and continues its insidious course today. In March 2020 the world, well, much of the world’s governments and, by their actions, a large majority of those populations, totally lost their…
This Is Me
This is me (1215 not 1984) Poem by Keith Brown This is me I do not wear a mask To hide my face To show homage to the crowd I do not test myself For a disease you tell me I have I do not hide at home I live the life God gave me…
The 10 Biggest and Most Dangerous Lies
By Vernon Coleman Transcript from the video: It is August 2023 and this is video number 328. It has been clear since the start of this fraud, particularly since the point when the conspirators got really serious and began to deceive and to oppress in great earnest, that everything that is happening is connected. As…
We Are Indoctrinated by the System to Be Useful Debt Slaves From Birth to Death
By Ray Wilson Silicon Chips with Everything In April 2020, the UK public was mesmerised by the media. The media, controlled by its editorial mafia, propagated its COVID lies and amplified the threat of COVID-19 from zero to infinity, with 46% of the UK population wanting tougher lockdown measures and the same proportion saying existing…
Google Hides Data Showing Rothschild Was Involved In Covid-19 Testing Patent Since 2015
Compare the two following screenshots. The first screenshot shows the Google Patents publication of a system and method for testing for covid-19, dated 18 August 2022, which is also mentioned in our book Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil. The second screenshot (from 21 February 2023) shows the same entry with some changes which have…
Murdered For Her Bed
The following is the transcript for Dr Vernon Colman’s recent video. (You can view the video here). Hello, it’s January 2023 and this is my 320th video since I started recording them early in 2020, and in this video I’m going to explain how hospitals have become death camps and how many doctors and nurses…
UK to Decode DNA of 100,000 Newborn Babies
Watch the video here: Hospitals make parents feel that all these tests and ‘precautions’ during pregnancy and after birth are necessary or mandatory. In truth, a lot of it is unnecessary or even harmful. Women lose their confidence when they are being monitored by hospital and gynaecological staff. However, women have been giving birth for…
New, Scary Flu Jab
Transcript: It’s July 2022 and this is video number 315. I want to tell you how a brand new novel flu vaccine is being tested because I think you should know. And because I think it shines a bright light on how new drugs and vaccines are tested. And because I think something very, very…