Search Results for: john o looney

Monkey Pox Scare on the Rise

Monkeypox (MoneyPox) & John O’Looney – The monkey pox scamdemic explained (Dani Paso/Bitchute): The WHO’s lies over new Monkey Pox “Emergency” (Redacted/YT): MPOX – Shingles re-named Monkey pox, monkey pox the new pandemic that’s all we are going to hear over the next few months. But it’s been around in Africa since 1958 so why

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Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants Will Be Turned Into UN Soldiers to Carry Out Crowd Control During Next ‘Pandemic’

Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers. “These are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown.” The Black Watch, a Scottish Infantry regiment based in Perth Scotland, has been

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We Are Approaching a Critical Turning Point in Modern Human History and the Outlook Is Very Unclear

By Doug Brodie My heretical epitaph Introduction  With my 80th birthday looming and in revulsion at the concerted, multi-pronged political attacks assailing us (set out below), the unusual purpose of this post is to present a draft of my own epitaph. I’ve done this now while I’m still up-to-date for the benefit of the many

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Sudden Deaths

Study from Japan: COVID-19 Vaccines Myocarditis Risk higher than originally thought: Yet another study, this time in Japan, raises concerns about mRNA COVID-19 vaccine safety signals. Recently posted in the preprint server medRxiv, co-author Rokuro Hama, director of the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance, a Japanese post-approval monitoring agency, reports evidence of growing concern. A sophisticated

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