Net Zero

Back Our Farmers

You’ve seen the farmers out in protest in strength in Germany – it might be about to hit us here in the UK too. (Jeff Taylor/YT) Help us and small farmers by ordering organic food and get £15 off your own order! German Farmers’ Success Against Globalist Government British Beef Farmers Under Attack Riverford’s Christmas

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What Net Zero Actually Means For Us

Ben Pile on the The Radical English Gentlemen Podcast (Together/YT) By Hayley Dixon, Special Correspondent for the Daily Telegraph Councils make ‘undemocratic’ pledges in dash to reach net zero At least 160 local authorities have made commitments to beat Government’s 2050 target but face accusations of not consulting voters Millions of taxpayers face an accelerated

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Dr. Matthew Wielicki: I Refuse to Stay Silent about Climate Change

When Dr. Matthew Wielicki refused to stay silent about climate change and earth science, he became a professor-in-exile. Even though members of the scientific community routinely discuss the negative effects of irrational fear in private, they dare not speak out lest they lose their positions and research funds. Dr. Wielicki shares his story and encourages

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Don’t Vote for Suicidal UK Policies

Dear Sir Danish renewable energy firm Orsted said Wednesday it will build the world’s single largest offshore wind farm off Britain’s eastern coast. I cannot for the life of me understand the thinking behind the massive wind farm order. This is an intermittent power source, which will demand huge subsidies from UK householders and taxpayers

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